$32,500 In Donations To Wings For Life

One terrible thing we know that occurs in the world of action sports, is that some participants suffer a severe spinal cord injury, resulting in paralysis. Paralysis was long considered permanent, but thanks to advances in research and technology, that view is changing. There is no cure yet, but current research proves that spinal cord repair and regeneration is possible. More and more scientists around the world are confident that a cure for paralysis in humans could be as close as ten to twenty years away. The goal of Wings for Life is to cure spinal cord injury. To do so, the foundation concentrates on supporting research only. 100% of donations supports world-class scientific research and clinical trials and vital new research programs, such as the RESET clinical trial, aimed at regenerating nerve fibers in individuals with chronic spinal cord injuries.
 We’re excited to provide $$10,000 to Wings for Life this year to get closer to a cure. With this years donation, we have donated a total of $32,500 to date to Wings for Life.

For more information on Wings For Life, please visit their website at